Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"White" Women, "Brown" Babies and "Green" Cards

This ain't no secret and hell ppl out there are doing it all the time....so why not pen down my thoughts. To get straight to the point- why use women to get a citizenship? why fake affection and love , why "conceal" the ultimate motive?. Now, I am NOT saying all inter racial marriages are based on such goals. But look around how many men do you see, now with kids and a wife from back home, after getting his citizenship done thru some naive white women? Its like ok- 1st phase over- next phase, Inshallah I will be a good daddy and Hubby. Wait a sec you ,just walked all over some women's heart and destroyed a budding family.

Its strange how we have this amazing potential - potential to elevate our status above the angels! IF we live up to our "Humanity" that is. A dog, is going to die a dog- no matter how faithful he was to his master. He has no choice to elevate his status. But we Humans have- ONE chance (this life) to rise above the angels!!, just like our father - Adam (PBUH), angels were asked to bow down b4 him when he was created , if we live up to being Human, kind, compassionate and merciful. We too have that potential to raise our status, else the quran says we would be "lower than the animals" It is God's mercy in giving us this "choice" as to where we want to be...truly the prophet was sent to perfect "Human Character" .

All the rules -salah zakah,hajj, fiq, halal,haram are ALL important but hey their goal is to perfect Human character, to teach us how to be HUMAN. If we stick to the above and still deceive, cheat ,envy, judge and hate others.. we are only degrading our status.

This life is that One chance- make it or break it.

The Power Of Opposites

Beyond any doubt, God's infinite intelligence cannot be comprehended....but we sure can get glimpses of his wisdom. A thought provoking design is the nature of opposites in life, in humans, in feelings, in colors, in just about everything you can find "Opposites". For good there is evil, for darkness there is light, for wellness their illness, for prosperity their is poverty. I wondered why ? why would the most merciful create diseases? why would the most compassionate create something so horrific as hell?

My limited human perception tells me that such opposites actually enable us to cherish the bounties . What!? ...yup imagine if everything we ever ate was sweet, we would not know what sweetness really is! its only when we taste bitterness do we know the "opposite". If we were always full we would never know what it feels like to be hungry. If we never felt sorrow, we would not value happiness. If not for Hell we would not strive to abstain from evil and desire Heaven, if not for sickness we would not be so cautious of our health. If not for the cruelty of the ppl of Taif, we would not have known the ultimate mercy of the prophet (SAW) , if not for evil people in society we would not have valued sincere ppl. The wisdom behind opposites may confuse the human mind, but its necessity can only be seen when one observes our very own human nature.